11/10/02 finished wiring for lights in barn
10/23/02 cut moved logs for dock, sprayed weeds
10/22/02 mowed blackberries in woods
10/21/02 grated driveways
10/11/02 made soap with Brad & Ann
9/27-10/3/02 deer hunting — Five days of hiking 8-10 miles a day and I didn’t even see a deer! Found an Indian cave, brought back a bag of deer bones
9/22/02 completed trellis on barn for morning glories
9/20/02 discovered three more baby rabbits in barn
9/15/02 picked pears
9/12/02 found remains of two baby rabbits in barn
8/21/02 shot a gray digger
8/16/02 shot a gray digger
8/15/02 shot three gray diggers
7/30/02 shot a gray digger
7/24/02 shot a gray digger
7/23/02 shot a gray digger
6/17/02 finished north property line fence
6/15/02 baby robins in barn
6/14/02 saw turtle laying eggs on dam
6/11/02 sprayed grass around barn
6/3/02 set fence posts on north property line
5/24/02 installed deer guards around new apple trees
5/18/02 sowed clover
4/28/02 sprayed blackberries
4/25/02 disked fields; saw first swallow
3/26/02 three baby rabbits peep out of the woodpile
3/25/02 saw humming birds fighting over my feeder
3/20/02 heard first night hawk of the season
2/28/02 saw three deer crossing valley bottom
2/27/02 watching a red-headed woodpecker at work, discerned that woodpeckers bore holes to collect insects rather than to find them
2/22/02 observed coyote near barn
2/14/02 discovered remains of a rabbit
2/13/02 trimmed trees
1/6/02 heard first tree frog of the season
9/15/01 mowed fields
7/9/01 fourth litter of rabbits emerges — uh, wait a minute, make that the fourth and fifth litters
6/26/01 Wine Sap apple tree fell after heavy rains
6/25/01 planted Sudan grass
6/13/01 finished plowing, sprayed grass
6/1/01 mowed fields
5/27/01 transplanted more ferns from field edges to front yard
5/11/01 Kahja brought out three more rabbits
5/5/01 transplanted ferns from field edges to front yard
5/4/01 smoked moles
4/25/01 mounted barn owl boxes in trees around fields, sprayed blackberries
4/12/01 swallows arrive
3/26/01 constructed ten barn owl boxes with the assistance of Brad Lechman-Su
3/20/01 ruby throated humming bird at feeder
1/31/01 observed a red squirrel eating walnut and willow tree buds
1/20/01 saw rabbits mating, bunnies due 2/19
12/6/00 a red-tailed hawk nabbed a gopher from the furrows just as I finished disking
12/4/00 patched barn roof
11/28-30/00 smoked venison sausage
11/28/00 disked east field
11/27/00 tanned deer hide
11/20/00 butchered deer
11/10/00 dressed deer
11/8/00 patched barn roof
10/30/00 back filled water tank pressure
9/25/00 welded disk
9/14/00 heard coyotes take down a sheep
9/13/00 trimmed trees around fields
9/12/00 cleaned fuel line on tractor
9/11/00 patched barn roof
8/4/00 saw bobcat hunting gophers
8/1/00 fields mowed
7/24/00 shot three ground squirrels
7/15/00 built and hung four bat houses
7/13/00 ducklings hatched
6/25/00 sprayed blackberries
6/1/00 trapped a ground squirrel
5/20/00 turtle laid eggs
4/6/00 swallows arrived
3/19/00 painted barn, trimmed trees
