Total Recall (2012)
A guy suffering from insomnia tries to relieve some stress by getting a false memory implant. In the process he discovers a former identity locked in his brain along with amazing survival skills. That’s a good thing since now the whole world government has declared him most wanted. Which team does he truly belong to – the rebels or the establishment?
It was a pretty good sci fi action flick. The whole chase thing didn’t entirely hold together. But if you simply figure that the pursued has to have nine times more lives than the pursuers in order to make it to the end, then the main character’s die-hard abilities weren’t too distracting.
I liked how the story line in this film was only loosely related to the 1990 original. It had its own merits and up-to-date special effects. But the vision of this story was much simpler than the original. A lot of the acting was formulaic and a few of the stunts were down right tired out.